The T-Rex Cookie Car
One of the many FAQs I get is, “what has been the best investment for your company?” My answer has always been my car.
More specifically, the wrap on my car. For the last 9 years, I have driven a Mini Cooper that has been wrapped in T-Rex Cookie branding. In fact, when I launched my initial Kickstarter in 2015, a portion of the money went towards wrapping my Mini Cooper. 3 Mini Coopers and 5 different branded wraps later…I stand by my claim that driving a branded car has been a good investment for T-Rex Cookie.

Thousands of miles driven has equaled to hundreds of thousands of eyeballs on the brand. The downside of course is that I can’t drive like an a$$hole. I just traded in my black Mini Cooper for a brand new 2025, currently blue…which will be wrapped soon! Stay tuned and look for me on the road!
The team at Creative Color Graphic & Print Studio has been instrumental in the design and execution of my brand. The team at Motorwerks Mini has ensured that my car is always on the road. It’s very much a team effort!